Freddie Mac

I need a good contact for Freddie Mac.  Was informed this morning by BOA that Freddie Mac will no longer postpone f/c without an approval on the short sale.  I have a f/c set for 7/26/11 and I need a really good contact with Freddie Mac that I can escalate this to..time is of the any of you have any suggestions or good contacts there?  Thanks!

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  • Just an update....I have used the contacts supplied to me by everyone..thanks for that..but no response from any of them....f/c is set for 7/26/11...this is not looking good, and we had to reinitiate the ss in Equator, so another delay we cannot afford...I am going to go out on a limb here and say...this is going to f/c...I wonder why Freddie Mac has started this new policy?  hmmmm
  • Never knew that they really cared about who initiated the short sale. Have you talked to Chris Saitta at Equator?  He has been a big help in the past also when we had BofA/Equator issues.  Why do they care who is using Equator, BofA does not own equator? 

    Christina Conrad said:
    Yes, Frank, I have had similar experience, however, not as complex...I know a lot of people on here trust BOA, but I don' offense to anyone, but I have had to many BAD experiences with them to TRUST give you all an update on my situation...they declined the ss because they don't like attorneys initiating them in we have to pow-wow today with the real estate company to see how we are going to get around this because BOA can pretty much do what they want.....this really bites..especially with a f/c right around the corner...good grief Charlie Brown!

    Frank Biganski said:

    Beware... I had a seller just yesterday (7.18.11) where both mortgage insurers pulled the rug out from underneath the seller, right after BoA approval.

    It was a cash offer with seller bringing $20,000 to closing to help satisfy both 1st & 2nd and both loans were with BoA oddly enough.

    BoA sent approval letters on the offer but BOTH mortgage insurers also stated they would not approval the deal unless seller paid back the mortgage balance in full (over time).  This was never indicated or mentioned until the final hour, just days before the property was scheduled to go into foreclosure.

    Keep in mind, it was an all cash offer.

    What bewilders me is this is a 2005 condo, but is not HUD approved, so only buyers with all cash can purchase in this community - not even VA.  In addition, the offer, with seller contributions, was for more than market value too. So I know for a fact that BoA and the insurers will never get another deal like this for at least 6-8 months.  And even then, it will be for at least $20,000 less because the values are falling in this particular complex, and falling fast.

    There are several acronyms I feel like posting, but my professionalism prevents me from acting on them.

    Too bad my initials aren't "WTF!"

    Good luck Christina, and I hope someone can pull for you.  But I had some very seasoned and professional real estate attornies working on this file for me and even with their congressional connections, nodda!  In their own words, “it is an incredibly difficult ordeal fighting against a government agency.”



  • Yes, Frank, I have had similar experience, however, not as complex...I know a lot of people on here trust BOA, but I don' offense to anyone, but I have had to many BAD experiences with them to TRUST give you all an update on my situation...they declined the ss because they don't like attorneys initiating them in we have to pow-wow today with the real estate company to see how we are going to get around this because BOA can pretty much do what they want.....this really bites..especially with a f/c right around the corner...good grief Charlie Brown!

    Frank Biganski said:

    Beware... I had a seller just yesterday (7.18.11) where both mortgage insurers pulled the rug out from underneath the seller, right after BoA approval.

    It was a cash offer with seller bringing $20,000 to closing to help satisfy both 1st & 2nd and both loans were with BoA oddly enough.

    BoA sent approval letters on the offer but BOTH mortgage insurers also stated they would not approval the deal unless seller paid back the mortgage balance in full (over time).  This was never indicated or mentioned until the final hour, just days before the property was scheduled to go into foreclosure.

    Keep in mind, it was an all cash offer.

    What bewilders me is this is a 2005 condo, but is not HUD approved, so only buyers with all cash can purchase in this community - not even VA.  In addition, the offer, with seller contributions, was for more than market value too. So I know for a fact that BoA and the insurers will never get another deal like this for at least 6-8 months.  And even then, it will be for at least $20,000 less because the values are falling in this particular complex, and falling fast.

    There are several acronyms I feel like posting, but my professionalism prevents me from acting on them.

    Too bad my initials aren't "WTF!"

    Good luck Christina, and I hope someone can pull for you.  But I had some very seasoned and professional real estate attornies working on this file for me and even with their congressional connections, nodda!  In their own words, “it is an incredibly difficult ordeal fighting against a government agency.”



  • I have not delt with any Freddie loans! But do not give up, try and go to Freddie direct! Sene and E-mail or Fax, however you are dealing with or convey info to the "servicer". Put all that you have stated in this post in an e-mail or fax to "somebody!" You need to stress the CASH Buyer, the non-approval for any other financing... etc. (and the condo fee loss aa well!) BOA professes to be "overly cooperative" in their short sales! Try and get to Freddie!
  • Actually need a chuckle today!!! and this was it!

    He's right up there with Linda Green (the robo signer!... yes,  signer not singer, only Jeff sings on the lawn of his closings!)

  • too

    Beverly Cibulsky said:
    His Freddie Mac career must be over! LOL

    Christina Conrad said:
    The daryl hall email is address is no longer valid..but the other one went through....thanks
  • His Freddie Mac career must be over! LOL

    Christina Conrad said:
    The daryl hall email is address is no longer valid..but the other one went through....thanks
  • The daryl hall email is address is no longer valid..but the other one went through....thanks
  • lol....I needed to laugh this morning...thank you so much for these contacts...I really appreciate it, more than you know.

    Jeff Payne said:

    His music career must be over....:)


    Daryl Hall

    Vice President Asset Management


  • His music career must be over....:)


    Daryl Hall

    Vice President Asset Management


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