Does anyone have recent contact information for anyone at Freddie Mac that can do a postponement.
We do not get any further than the screener.
The issue is, our FCL date is before the Sale Date, and cannot close fast enought or before the foreclosure sale date. We have a shortsale approval from BofA, but my FCL is on May 5th,
and LOL....escrow closes 3 weeks after that.
Any help or special phone numbers appreciated.
states nothing he can do. Says the guidlines do not warrant the extension.
We have gone through 5 negotiators already, and 8 months of up and down work.
I dont get it, if they know there is a pendinf sale, why go through the FCL?
This guy is an asset manager: Some of what this useless person said:
Unfortunately, per the investor guidelines, the sale date will not be postponed.
Body: Hello, I am the escalation negotiator working this file. I have sent a request to our sale date postponement team, requesting the sale date be postponed. The postponement team will request approval from the investor to postpone the sale date. I have to advise, there is NO GUARANTY, the investor will approve the sale date postponement. I will keep you updated. Thanks!
Looks like I need to bypass the screeners at Freddie Mac