Dave Sahlin, formerly of Titanium Solutions, is soliciting former Titanium HRCs to work short sales for Fannie & Freddie after signing up for $89 annually. He calls his company Horizon Solultions Online.  Who knows something about this?

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  • I joined about 6 months ago and have a good experience so far. I have had one homeowner contact me for a short sale and I am doing the workshop seminar in my office that they have put together for members. The material they provide for it looks professional and I had to actually trim down the Power point presentation. Looks like a lot of work went into it. Ill let you know how my seminar goes

    • Hi Tom. Did you complete that short sale? Did you get any other leads after that first one? Did you re-up? Thanks for sharing your experience with this company. I'd like to know before looking into it any further.

  • Dave Sahlin is having another Workshop. Is this one legit? I paid money to Horizon Solutions Online a year ago and never heard anything, and I was wondering if this was just a repeat of that, or did they really get the program off the ground.

  • I just received an email from Dave Sahlin saying the Horizon Solutions Online is finally moving into phase 2 and so on and so on. I paid my $89 over a year ago and have not received anything now he's saying they are going to start handling BPO's - not sure what to make of this!

    • I just received the same email. He's scheduling a Webinar Tuesday August 25th at 11:00 AM MDT that will go over changes in the Short Sale Laws and Modification Policies. An email is suppose to be sent out to all "Active" members no later than Friday (today) to register.. Maybe everyone should join in on this Webinar and find out what's going on. 

  • Anyone have an update on Dave Shalin and Horizon Solutions? 

  • yep.  they held a webinar today and apparently have been in business since January on the  east coast.

    My Hard Money School

  • Does no surprise me!  I know the previous management had asked me to join a company and I sort of put it aside Will have to check the name but that does not ring a bell.  Looks like big boy network is working well for all these guys, just like Countrywide senior management started PennyMac and is making millions of the same loans that they originated and were part of the housing mess.  They do loan mods on all these bad loans they bought for pennies on the dollar and make themselves out to be heroes.  Short sales are pretty easy with them since they come out way ahead since most of these loans have title issues since they were 3 Pay - 4 Pay Option Arms for high end properties.

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