Does anyone have any suggestions or especially inspiring stories (to give me HOPE) of getting a sale postponed (2nd time, however 1st time was automatic, we did not ask for it) 


Long story short, we got approval May 10th, supposed to close by May 27th, then June 9th....

Buyers first lender totally messed up and could not get it done - went to lender #2 on June 2nd, they CAN close the loan and have buyer fund and record on June 17th - (earliest they can due to disclosures) 

*I am the listing agent.

I've uploaded underwriting approval (what they could send me) and deposits as requested by closing agent in Equator - it's all up to investor now they say - may not know until day before sale - UGH! 


We are proceeding as if we have approval and hope to have final HUD approval request in by tomorrow - hopefully that will help. 

Thought I would see if anyone has any thoughts or suggestions to get this sale date postponed - all we need is a day! (I know they postpone in bigger increments than one day, but just any postponement would be welcome at this point) 



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  • UPDATE - I got my postponement - YEAH! My original negotiator is on vacation and his cover has been awesome! So we are super close to getting this done!
  • BofA should be well aware of the sheriff sale date but they also should have requested a withdraw since you should be at the closing task.  Have you let the negotiator know about this date?
  • Thanks Eric - it's with BofA - I'm in Idaho. I've called a ton and talked to as many people as possible. They say it's in review and I may not know until the day before the sale - which is tomorrow. I just left a message on a VP's voice mail (number I got off this site thankfully) and stated my case too - so hopefully that will help too. 


  • Who is the loan with? What state are you in? I would say speak with a supervisor or someone who has authority to escalate it to someone who can make a decision. Call everyday and state your case. Keep pushing and pushing to get it postponed. I have gotten it postponed 1 day prior to the sale date and here in FL servicers try to say that "New law, we can't stop the foreclosure within 10 days" BIG LIE!! They just don't want to incur the cost.

    You can and will get it done. Keep fighting and don't stop. Good luck.

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