I posted a few times about the shady agent handling my SS and recently about the mysterious denial of my approved short sale just before closing. 


 Now, what to do? The home was lost when my redemption period expired because of the last minute denial. I guess it's off to an attorney unless someone knows of an appeal process I can go through to get the case reopened? 

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  • Jim, unfortunately the horse seems to already be out of the barn.  If your redemption period has expired, it's probably too late. An attorney would best be able to explain any options. Having been duped by an unethical/fraudulent firm to represent you, isn't grounds for appealing a properly executed foreclosure.  Unfortunately these type of guys leave a lot of damage and heart break in their path. And of course there probaly aren't any assets to recover from the hucksters. Thanks for spreading the word, I believe you and I spoke about these guys a few months ago.

    •  Thanks. Yes, I did speak to you a few months ago.

       Apparently, from local news reports, there are another 400-500 people like myself caught in his mess. His solution was to create another entity: "Michigan Short Sales", and try to pass it off as if he turned those people over to another company. The government and lenders quickly sniffed that out and now all those people's properties are essentially red-flagged no matter who they go to. Any chance of completing a short sale before foreclosure, or at all, is nearly impossible. Local news also reports that he is in the process of turning his business(s) into holding companies. 

       The sad part is that until the raid, nobody was open or honest with myself or other victims about him being on the exclusion list. All of us sellers were kept in the dark and taken along for the ride. Wells Fargo knew but never said anything. Thus, their evasiveness and answers that didn't make any sense. They would rather outright lie than tell the seller the short sale wasn't happening because their agent was on the exclusion list. And the state is just as bad. I filed a complaint with the Attorney General in November when everything stalled, who forwarded it to the real estate licensing division, and they're still sitting on it because of the FBI's open investigation. Meanwhile, my redemption period expired and house is gone. 

      •  As suspected. Finally received my letter from Licensing and Regulatory Affairs today stating my complaint is being taken up for investigation. Was dated Feb 11, so they were waiting until after the FBI raid to notify. 


  • I had something very similar happen. You can file a complaint with you state's department of real estate where the agent is licensed.
  • I assume you were dealing with Elias Realty? If they were doing that many Short Sales, you are probably not alone. There is strenght in numbers, join forces with other victims and make alot of noise. Just an idea?. 

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