I'm pretty sure I know the answer...here's to hoping for different answer!
Short Sale participation letter states: "If the loan is FHA insured the seller cannot pay the Buyer’s closing costs". Q1. That's my seller's loan, right? Not the buyer's. Buyer's agent wants it to be thier-side so they can go conventional if need be. I believe/know it's the seller. Q2. Is it possible to request a variance with ANY SUCCESS? (Please say yes and how I go about getting it.)
It will be difficult to get a (current or new ) buyer to purchase without closing costs.
Ditto on everything Vanessa said. Early on in my Short Sale career I had an uncommonly helpful Negotiator tell me it is pretty easy to get FHA to approve a variance for closing costs as long as the Minimum Net is being met. I have done many FHA S-Sales since and every one of them the buyer was requesting 3% for closing costs (some were FHA, some were conventional), and have always been able to get the variance approved. Also, like Vanessa said there are some Negotiators that don't know what they are doing and you may have to fight w/ them over the fact that the FHA WILL approve the closing costs. One thing to note is that requesting a variance (depending on how back-logged the FHA is at the time) can take an extra 2-4 weeks. Its good to give the buyers a heads up on that, but most don't care about the extra time if it means getting their closing costs approved. Good luck.
Vanessa Calhoun said:
The letter is referring to your seller's loan, not the buyer's loan. The buyer can get any kind of financing they want. The bank is just not going to pay any of the buyer's closing costs.
Brian Bean said:
Vanessa, only FHA and Conv?
Just received a VA offer asking for $3,000 non-allowables to be paid by seller, whose loan is FHA. VA fall within those parameters?
Vanessa Calhoun said:
alisa hagner said:
If the seller has FHA financing, only a 1% seller concession will be allowed for a new FHA loan.
can you provide the fax number please? This is the first time I run into this believe it or not and I am quite lost here ;( Thank you much!