Fannie Mae Phone Number

After 3 hours on the phone, I found out that the property in Texas was sold in foreclosure yesterday.

Servicing agent = BOA.
Investor = Fannie Mae

I was told by BOA Short Sales that I need to call Fannie Mae about the foreclosure and why it happened.

On 3/29, we received a Fannie Mae approval for short sale and foreclosure postponement.

She wasnt sure but there was a term called, rescind? was mentioned during the conversation. I also verified that property was sold, bought back by BOA at courthouse yesterday.

Does anyone have a phone number with Fannie Mae I could call to get to the bottom of this?

My contract/ offer on the property has been with BOA since mid-January. Ported the file into Equator on 2/2. Negotiator assigned 2 weeks ago but he is not responding despite escalation request.

Anything else I could do?

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  • Loreena,

    The Fannie Mae phone number is 800-7Fannie. You will most likely need to have level 2 call you back about your situation. Make sure you let them know that the situation is urgent if the property already foreclosed. This will mark the page as agent to the level 2 rep to call you back ASAP.

    I had to do this in order to rescind a foreclosure that was done by BofA on one of my short sales. It foreclosed right in the middle of the closing process after we already had the approval. It is called a foreclosure recission. It is difficult sometimes depending on the state you are on. Fortunately, I was able to successfully get mine rescinded and closed on the short sale. It took a lot of time and effort though.
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