Hi all, I have a short sale with Everhome (Everhome is 1st) that is going nowhere. It is a Fannie Mae owned loan. We have had an offer since January 2013 but Everhome has not moved the file. Each month, they simply ask for new buyer information and promise the file will be assigned in a couple of days! Does anyone have an Escalation number I can contact or any contact at Everhome that can move this file? Thanks

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  • Finally, we got a response after opening a ticket with Fannie Mae.  However not what we wanted.  

    Similar home values in area are about $120K to $140K, we have an offer on table for $125K.  On her first call yesterday Everhome "Negociator" came back that investor (Fannie Mae) has to net $160K as such she denied the short sale without any room for consideration!!!  We have opened a ticket for value dispute with Fannie Mae, but i would like to know if anyone has any suggestions on how else we can approach this!  She also says they are not waiving deficiency but we can request for deficiency waiver, anyone dealt with this!  There is a second on home and they have approved SS waiving deficiency.

    BTW to net $160K, home has to sell about $180K which will be a dream.  Appreciate any inputs

  • Amara,

          Yes, escalate with FNMA. But i'd also recommend getting a hold of a floor manager. They have an internal escalation department, but you need to get transferred there.




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