Escrow Scam

So I posted the question a week or so ago about a scam and got the answer about what was going on.  Now my question for you all out there is what law enforcement agency (if any) is investigating this or trying to catch these scum bags?  I'm asking because I've baited one into possibly meeting with me.  I've got her land-line phone number she called in on and cell phone number and she wants to meet.  I'm still waiting for to get back to me.  Any input?

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  • No, I totally know what you're saying but she hasn't agreed to meet me in person just yet. I'm supposed to call her in the next two hours and my plan was to tell her that it's my "personal policy" to meet with ALL clients in person initially (well, because it is) and see what she does. My other thought is that she might be "the mark" meaning that she's just the storefront of the operation and being told that she can make a bunch of money and that there's nothing wrong with what they're doing.
    I used to be a fraud detective before I became a Realtor so that's where my "suspicious mind" comes from. I'll go with it as long as it all checks out clear. I just thought maybe there was a law enforcement agency out there looking for these folks and that I'd be able to say, "well here they are!" said that they are aware of this and it's the Northwest that's been hit the hardest and one of my fellow Realtors had this happen to her but not sure to what extent.

    Smitty said:
    How do you know it's a scam? If they are meeting you in person, I'm having a hard time believing it's a scam. The way I interpreted the other post you wrote is that the "scam artists" send in the check.

    If someone gave you their land line, cell phone, etc., and are meeting you, what makes you think it's a scam?

    Sorry, I'm a devils advocate...LOL. Maybe I feel like it's not a scam because the fake escrow check has never happened to me.
  • How do you know it's a scam? If they are meeting you in person, I'm having a hard time believing it's a scam. The way I interpreted the other post you wrote is that the "scam artists" send in the check.

    If someone gave you their land line, cell phone, etc., and are meeting you, what makes you think it's a scam?

    Sorry, I'm a devils advocate...LOL. Maybe I feel like it's not a scam because the fake escrow check has never happened to me.
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