
I have uploaded my tasks, the problem is that my seller has had so much trouble with her password and loging on that were at a stand still. She can not upload her tasks, so we can get this going. I have called and talk to BOA/ Equator several times and nothing... I will calling them again!  Has anyone had this problem?

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  • Hi Roberta,

    I'm glad to hear you've gotten this problem resolved. I would just like to share this thought with all who are reading regarding the seller initiation side (BofA short sale sight). I personally had gotten locked out (I know I entered password and used ID correctly)(my seller did not have access to the internet and BofA said she could call to initiate and I could manage the online side of it for her), my colleaugue's client was initiating on his own and it locked him out, and an identical experience with another short sale team in my office getting locked out too.

    I'm looking at the bigger picture here....Resolving the password lock problem is great on a client by client basis. But, why is this seeming to feel like standard procedure? I believe this is probably happening to many, many, many people. Intentional? Feels that way.

    If you look at the bottom of the BofA short sale login screen, it says for password resets to call the BofA short sale phone number (you know, the one we all have memorized that ends in 1232?), but when you call, most of the reps will tell you that you have to call Equator. When you call Equator, they will refer you back to BofA. I managed to get the password reset after many phone calls and finally landing with the right person that could help me. Truthfully, I can't even tell you if it was Equator or BofA that got it done. That particular day it took about 6 phone calls to both entities.

    Has anyone else had this very issue? Would be interesting to see.
  • Thanks for the help, I finally got it done and they check and change the password while we were on line.

    Gunnar Jonsson said:
    Here is how I do it.
    I call BoA at 866-677-2516 ( Equator support) and have them email the passord to the seller while I'm still on the phone or I conferance the seller in and get the passford for him/her.
    Either way, I get the password from the seller and I do all the uploads for them!!!!

    Hope this helps.

  • Roberta.
    Here is how I do it.
    I call BoA at 866-677-2516 ( Equator support) and have them email the passord to the seller while I'm still on the phone or I conferance the seller in and get the passford for him/her.
    Either way, I get the password from the seller and I do all the uploads for them!!!!

    Hope this helps.

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