Equator Questions

I received a counteroffer from BOA in Equator.  They changed a couple of the items -  closing date, reduced amount for title insurance, etc.  All of the prorated items are now much higher because of the delay in receiving the counter.  Should I put the new figures from an updated HUD or leave the figures from the initial HUD? If I don't change those, when do they get changed?  Also, should I change the figures back to the original amounts for items like the title insurance or does the Buyer have to absorb that cost?  At the bottom of the columns there is a "net offer" figure which automatically calculates as you add each item.  I tried using a calculator and deducted each of the listed items from the purchase price and the figure that calculates by the Equator system does not equal what I come up with. Does anyone know why?  I called the Equator support line and they said it is a "formula" that is created by Bank of America and I have to ask them why it does that.  I know the counter is supposed to be calculated by the Negotiator to reflect what they think the investor will accept, but the increased HOA fees, taxes, etc on prorated items are due to their delay.  Do we have to change the offer to reflect the Negotiator's bottom line, or do I just update those figures and counter back?  They also keep changing the commission from 6% to 5%.  I told the Buyer's Agent she may have to have the Buyers increase their offer, but she said the Negotiator should just raise the price.  I'm not sure if that's how the bank does things.  I find the worksheets and counteroffer process very confusing.  I am afraid to change anything, but if I don't, I don't want to be the one to absorb the shortage.  If anyone can simplify the counteroffer process for me, I'd really appreciate it.

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  • I do not consider myself an "expert" but according the last negotiator I spoke with at BofA - he said just change the figures to what they should be or what you are willing to submit. For example, they asked my seller to contribute money AND sign a promissory note - both of those boxes I just put a "0" and ignored their figure. I changed the 5% commission back to a 6% - I think they have the system defaulted to 5%. Long story short - made the changes and submitted the 'counter' and they accepted it :)
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