
  • I have had problems off and on since Sunday.  I always do on line chat and get the same response every time to make changes with Internet Options.  Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't -- but each time I have to reboot my computer and even when I do that I still have problems.  Major pain in the bum!!  I was worried it was on my end.  Good to know it's not an issue with my computer.  Sorry for your frustration.  Try LIVE CHAT when you have an issue - they are quick to respond and make suggestions.  PLUS then Equator is aware of issues on their end and have a chance to work on resolution - especially if a lot of agents are having the same issue.

  • I had a weird thing happen in Equator today, Brent. I responded to a counter offer from Bank of America but it didn't "take" in the system.  I didn't know that. BOFA called later and asked where my counter offer was. I had to re-do it. I use Chrome for Equator.

    • I had the same thing happen to me today, but it was a Wells Fargo deal and I was completing the supply HUD-1 task. I saved it several times, but the task would not clear out. I too am now using Google Chrome as Firefox won't let me log in at all and IE crashes every time I try to log in. Thanks!

  • No EQ issues really. Only thing I really noticed was it seemed that a few messages that were internal to the lender showed up in my inbox for a few hours. Though nothing compelling enough to warrant a screen shot.


    I can't say anything browser side as we typically use IE here.

  • Brent,

          No equator issues on our end. We typically use google chrome for equator and mozilla firefox for normal internet browsing.


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