HI, I desperately need the phone number of Wells Fargo legal department. Without boring you all with the details. I have a sale, where after sending a signed and notarized third party authorization letter to Wells Fargo back in November and having contact with them since, they suddenly decided to question the "validity" of the authorization letter a few days before close of escrow just before the buyers loan was about to fund. They will not even speak with the owner or the son of the deceased holder of the mortgage all of whom are mentioned on the authorization and supporting documents. Our escrow officer is named on the letter to be given authority to talk with the bank regarding the payoff demand so we can get that correct amount needed to pay back the loan which is required by title in our state, CA to pass title. Wells Fargo is refusing to give her that pay off demand because they claim that the authorization letter and all of the supporting legal documents are being "reviewed" by their legal department which could now take several weeks. The house is headed for foreclosure so we are "under the gun" to get the demand for the payoff and fund the loan and close escrow quickly. We have an attorney who would like to speak with the legal department but everyone at the bank refuses to give any of us that number for the legal department and all we get from customer service is a broken record of "Im sorry we cant discuss the loan with you until our legal department reviews the authorization." By the time they review everything at their snails pace we will be in foreclosure. Please if anyone has the phone number of the legal department at wells fargo  let me know and send it to me by post, text or email. My phone number is 661-310-8215. Thanks, Lauren Nemeschansky, REMAX of Santa Clarita.

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  • Here the number for the liquidation department they should be able to provide you with that number
    Good luck.
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