I have a situation with a Wells Fargo processor who asked and I supplied many docs, on 4/26 she said she needed additional docs and had to have them by 4/28 or Wells Fargo would dump our short sale out of the system.  My clients were out of town on a family emergency and did not have access remotely to the needed docs (recent bank statement, 2011 w-2's etc) I left message via email 3 times and 1 voicemail for the processor that we could have all needed docs by 4/29.  and explained sellers were out of town on family emergency.  She did not reply.  I did email all the required docs as promised on 4/29.  Today, 4/30 I received an email from Wells Fargo that our short sale has been declined.  I am so mad!!!!  Have been working on this file for 2 months, first via equator, and then Wells switched to email scanning and messaging.  Anyone here know a good person at Wells Fargo to contact??????  Help!!!

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  • Julie,

    Was this file just hard declined out of equator or is the file being processed through HAFA outside of equator? If you did indeed get all the needed items within the given time frame and they closed out your file that is sufficient grounds for escalation. I would reach out to the executive office. Many times we reach out to our escalation contacts at Well's Fargo and at times they can get the files reopen and pushed forward quickly. If the reason for declining the file was due to missing documents, it should not be hard to get reopened

    If you ever have any questions please feel free to reach out to me as my door is always open.




    • Hi Brett,

      We started off in Equator, then Wells said that due to HAFA it would be continued outside Equator.  I have sent the processor Tonnette three sets of required docs, each time she reviews and find more needed docs.  This last time, Tonette asked for updated bank statements, 2011 W-2's, and clients EDD (state disability statements) she only gave us 48 hours to get these docs to her, my clients were out of town on a family emergency, so we were not able to get these docs to her for 72 hours, which I explained in an email (three times) as well as in a voice mail I left for her.  So, I find it hard to believe that since we asked for a one day extension due to family emergency they have tossed out our HAFA short sale.  Considering I have already put in two months and about 2 rheems of paper getting all the necessary docs to Tonette at Wells Fargo, this is totally unacceptable! 

      Thanks for the advice, I will contact the Escalation Dept tomorrow at Wells Fargo.

      • Yes, that is unfortunate. They should of been able to give you additional time since you had valid reasoning. If you escalate and they see that they have all needed items, having the file reopen shouldn't be a problem.

        Best of luck and if you have any questions or need assistance feel free to reach out to me.

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