Good morning Superstars.

Today I want to talk a little bit about Credit Restoration. As many of you may know TLW and I went through a very difficult time from 2008-2010. We ended up having to do Short Sales on two of our rental properties. This teamed with some other financial difficulties caused my credit score to plunge into the toilet!! I started in the mid 700s in 2008 and ended up with a FICO score of 561.

Ain’t that sweet?

So needless to say I needed to do something about this. I did my research and found Financial Education Services (FES).

I signed up about a month ago for their Credit Repair Plan to start restoring my credit Just this week I received my first batch of Credit Dispute Letters to send out to the credit bureaus. I’m looking forward to receiving my results and my new higher credit score.

I’m very satisfied with the ease of use for this Credit Restoration Program.

Then I decided if this was good enough for me then it would be a good idea to help my Short Sellers restore their credit score after their Short Sale. This will help them get back into the position to purchase a home again. And of course a higher score means better rates on just about everything from credit cards to insurance. I owe it to my Short Sellers to offer them this opportunity.

AND.....for the folks that may be struggling financially they now have the ability to turn this into their own Credit Repair Business. They can start generating income while going through the Credit Repair Program themselves.

It’s a true WIN/WIN

So do yourself a favor and check it out.

Credit Restoration Services.

Financial Education Services Business

Let Wendy or I know if you have an interest and we’ll walk you through the process.

Now go help some folks!!


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  • Hi Everyone,

    Here we are a few months later - just wondering how this is going for you Bryant? Certainly there is a critical need for this service. My experience is that the "big promise" companies can not perform. 


    • Hi Richard. I have been working through the program. I just sent out my 4th round of letters to the credit companies. Thus far there have been quite a few corrections to my credit report. I do not have final results yet.

      If you want some more info......

      Please contact our client specialist, Randy Cochrane, and tell him we sent you to him for details of this great program! National Sales Director United Credit Education Services Toll-Free: 1-800-480-1917 Ext. 0
      Direct: 801-326-0779
      Fax: 1-888-315-3401
      Cell & Text: 801-573-4935

  • Hi Bryan,

    Thank you for sharing .. so you are are not only the Hair Club Prez?lol

    Do they have proof of success to share? Most credit repair services sadly do not perform, even well known companies. I sincerely hope this is not the case as I am looking for a reliable firm to refer my clients.

    Please let me know if they do have many proofs of success such before and after credit reports (even if redacted). 

    • Cynthia - Please contact our client specialist, Randy Cochrane, and tell him we sent you to him for details of this great program! National Sales Director United Credit Education Services

      Toll-Free: 1-800-480-1917 Ext. 0
      Direct: 801-326-0779
      Fax: 1-888-315-3401
      Cell & Text: 801-573-4935

  • Consumers do need to be VERY careful when disputing information on a credit report then trying to obtain a mortgae. With the number of disputed accounts on the rise, the agencies (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, HUD) have all taken a stance against accounts in a disputed status.  Freddie Mac will not any disputed accounts on a credit report. Therefore a mortgage where the borrower has disputed accounts would not be eligble for delivery to Freddie Mac.  Fannie Mae & FHA will require a manual underwrite of the file with the borrower having to meet much stricter guidelines and debt to income ratio limitations.

    Getting the dispute removed and a new credit report pulled usually turns into a lengthy process.

  • Great information and I will as a professional Real Estate Agent who not only loves this business but loves to help struggling families out of their unfortunate circumstances. Agents know about how the S.S. process works and take the time to help out others your the Super Stars! Lets All Kick this in the Investors Hands and Clean This Up Best We Can Agents .Great Stuff Bryant!

  • Bryant - Thank you for sharing your personal story.  People can repair their credit after short sale, foreclosure or any economic hit. This is a great opportunity for our members to continue to help their clients, beyond short sale, or when they get a new buyer who cannot purchase yet due to past financial issues. I am excited to be able to share this product with  our members!

  • x

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