OK, agents -here's the million dollar question (I hope):
Where are some creative places to find homeowners who might be in default? It's always easy to find customers who have been served with a lis pendens/NOD, but what about the people who HAVEN'T been served? In our state, it often takes months or even years before notice gets filed with the state, and I'd like to be able to hone in on some of that shadow market without doing the same-old same-old blanket mailings and sphere-of-influence marketing.
Anyone care to bounce some ideas off the wall? Facebook ads perhaps, or a dedicated short sale website? Airplane banners? Church bulletins? Free pie and punch?
Please check out the session Bryant and I just recorded on Lead Generation.
Of course! It's http://www.mysarasotashortsale.com. I use it as an informational tool more than lead capture, but the response has far exceeded my expectations!
I've been using your list for about three months now with a relatively low monthly cost ($300 in adclicks) ... I've generated over a half-million dollars in sales with almost no additional effort. That makes this thread the most profitable internet post I've ever created :) Thanks very much for your help!
Hi Alex,
Would you be able to share your current website and what landing page you are using? I always like looking at others so I can fine tune mine.
I am glad it's working for you! It's working great for us!
Craig, can you also share yours. I'll share mine (after I make it) :)
here you go: www.ShortSellYourIndyHome.com
It is not professional looking, but that seems to be one of the keys to it's success. I have other sites I have created that look much more professional, but the conversion rate was much lower.
Thanks Craig. I've been putting mine together and I'm thinking I'm going to try a narrowly focused page. I just set up Tallahassee Short Sale Solutions this afternoon and will try it for a few days/weeks and see what happens. Now that I've seen yours, I'll start putting one together like that and do some split testing next month.
I also requested the words several weeks ago and never heard from you. I would love to see what you have put together. I have a "Google Specialist" from Google working on a campaign right now.
Thank you so much for the list. I am a rookie at the Ad Words and I set up a campaign last week. It looks like my pay for click is $2-3 and I budgeted $600 per month. Do you know what your PPC was and do you mind telling us how many clicks, conversions and cost per month?
Thanks again!!!
I started at around $500/month, but now have raised to $1,400/month. It all depends on how many listings you want and how long you can keep the higher number until you get those short sales closed. For about $800-$900/month I was maintaining 25-35 short sale listings at any one time. At $1,400, it should go up to 50-60 I would think. I will see. Also, different times of year seem to have better conversions/signups then other times. I need to start tracking more specifically different times of year, but if I remember correctly, this past January(I guess after everyone is done with Christmas, New Years resolutions), I saw a big increase in signups. I am spending $3-4 as max PPC.