Does anyone have a good contact in Loss Mitigation at EMC? Our negotiator is refusing to extend an approval letter beyond the 30 days (today is the deadline) it was good for. We ran into a few unforseen events with repairs and a really bad underwriter which held us up for a few extra days. Docs are at title and the negotiator is refusing to extend the approval letter for 3 days! We messed up his month's end quoata and now he's a little upset... Any contacts at EMC/Chase would be greatly appreciated!
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Harry Clay said:
Jeff Payne said:
Harry Clay said:
The scenario you describe sounds buzzard to me. I will keep a look out for that. I am located in southern California.
Ghana Bigsby said:
What state are you in?
What do you mean by "Chase had auctioned our house to B of A"?
Was BOA holding a junior loan on this property?
Boomernerd said: