Thanks to our very own moderator superstar Kevin M Lancaster Willson....  we have it from the authority at Chase, Mr John Rieger, that Chase will be on Equator as of October 4.

This has to be a good thing, doesn't it?  Chase has traditionally not been easy to deal with, poor communication, no good way to process files, lost faxes... Etc...  Equator has to be a step in the right direction!

Wait on second....  will Chase follow BofA and make the process fairly simple or will they follow the Wells Fargo platform and make it much more cumbersome and difficult?   Word is that they will follow the more troublesome Wells Fargo platform.

I know that Chase monitors this site so I will be the first to suggest to them that the Wells Fargo system did not make short sales at Wells Fargo proceed smoother with less problems, it did the complete opposite.  Just to get past the front line processors is more difficult than faxing in a package and handling it the traditional way.  Matter of fact, many agents still fax in their packages to Wells Fargo, something that should be a HUGE RED FLAG for Chase if they think the Wells platform did anything to help the short sale process.

Chase Mortgage, please take a moment to reach out to some top short sale experts and get their feedback before making what could be a huge mistake.... take a look at Bank of America or GMAC on equator and then take a look at the mess that Wells Fargo made in equator.  If you truly want to make the short sale process better, do not follow Wells Fargos lead

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  • Personally I prefer Equator and I am glad Chase is making the change.  Fax is so old-school and the documents end up barely readable.  If you are having problems with Equator there is always a live Equator staff available via Chat or you can email the lender for help directly.

  • Way to go, Jeff and Kevin for this info on Chase. I totally agree - Chase should take the more effective approach in Equator, and be similar to Bank of America.  Wells Fargo's method in Equator is a mess.  Listen up, guys!

  • So right you are.  With Wells they lock the library and they ask you to upload the same docs 4-5 times.  Faxing would be a dream compared to what they put us through.

    • Ok I feel better now knowing it is not me! who doesnt like Wells Fargo Eqautor. (no place to add documents unless the open a task, very slow response to messages, and the redundant re- submit docs.! However, I when I have been able to speak to a live person, it has worked out well!

  • Chase sucked in my opinion at the beginning of the year, but I'd say my last 5 files with them were GREAT.  So, I'm not sure if Equator will be good or bad for Chase, but I dont' see that it has helped Wells Fargo at ALL...only time will tell.

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