Chase FHA shortsale

I have a new client that I started working in July 2014 on a FHA shortsale with Chase.

This new client had another attorney working on it prior so I wasn't given the complete file.

Found out about in August that it was an FHA loan and that it had an ATP issued.  I just got the variance approved with a new expiration date of 10/27/2014.  which is good news, right?

Well, we also just got notice that

l.  there is a servicing transfer from Chase to Caliber loans effective 10/1/2014

2. when trying to find out with FHA what to do about the situation, they advised me that they no longer have the loan; that is was sold to Asset Sales (hud) and now a conventional loan.

I have never had this situation so is there any comments on this?



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