We recieved approval from Bof A on a short sale at the end of May. B of A is 1st mortgage. This approval expires 7/3/10. We are still working on getting approval from 2nd-Green Tree. They have asked for more income docs from the seller to give an answer. We are hoping to get approval this week. In the meantime we need to extend the approval of 1st thru B of A - an email was sent from negotiator asking for this 2 days ago. What are the chances of getting an extension? How long shall we expect to wait to hear if we granted an extension?


As far as this purchase- we are the buyers- the bank has all docs to process loan, appraisal is to be done tomorrow we are moving forward with loan process hoping the banks on Short sale end will see this and grant extension so we can close this deal. Home set to sell at auction 7/20/10.

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  • hi beth

    where u able to get an extension? did you close?

  • Beth, The chances are very good they will issue some kind of an extension. Ask early and ask often.
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