This may not be the right place to ask, but here goes.
I am under contract with a B of A short sale and have been under contract for 7 months and have had no real progress; the BPO hasn't even been ordered!! Is it possible for me to schedule another viewing of the property? I'm starting to really lose hope that this will be approved, and am considering moving on and wanted to look at the propety again before making a decision.
Before bugging my realtor, I figured I would reach out to the community here.
OUCH, my heads hurts! Bugging your realtor? as they say before Monday Night Football, COME ON MAN! You really need to have a fierce conversation with your agent
Sounds like the classic case where the seller is milking spend more time in the home. Your offer stops the auction date and they get free rent. I would MOVE ON. And, get a new Realtor who knows how to properly interview the listing agent BEFORE touring the home with you and wasting your time.
LISTING AGENT ALERT! You should be jumping up and down like Smitty the LIST AGENT GET GOING dance!
SEVEN MONTHS AND NO BPO???? YOU NEED to start bugging your realtor. I would be screaming at your Realtor at this point as personally if the BPO hadn't been ordered, I would have advised you to move on at this point. You can schdedule another showing anytime you want. Why has no BPO been ordered? Who is negotiating? What type of communication have you had?
I'm sorry, you need to find out what is going on with this sale and what the hold up is. If it can't be corrected, I would move on.
I'm hoping that you know more than what you have written, but ther is something SERIOUSLY wrong if you've waited 7 months without a BPO being ordered.
The paperwork from the seller wasn't completed until the end of September so I would expect the BPO to be ordered any day. I'm about done though, my patience is running out.
What paperwork from the seller? It took 6 months to get the seller to submit paperwork?
From my understanding his job prevented him from getting all the necessary financial paperwork before then. I know, it's beyond perplexing to me. Why they would have marketed the home when the seller wasnt' going to be available to send his stuff in is crazy. As far as I know they were able to finally get this entered into Equator.
Given this little bit of information, should the BPO already have been ordered?
Joe, That is what they might be telling you but I find it hard to believe that his job made it hard for him to supply tax returns, bank statements and pay stubs, especially when those items can all be retrieved online. Bigger issue is that all of those items are "tasks" that have expiration or deadline dates on them in equator. Makes me believe that they have been sitting on your offer for 6 months and now just uploaded to equator.
I would RUN, don't walk as fast as I could away from this train wreck and then hire an agent who is concerned about you and who will actually try to look out for your best interest.