BofA shortsale, approved at 666,000. Right before funding the buyer wants to renegotiate fo $600,000. She paid for an appraisal report and it came in at $608,000. What are the chances of this going through?

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  • Hmmm, I'm not sure about your last response when it comes to dual agency.  However, when was the last valuation received by B of A?  How long was the wait that the value dropped over 60K?
  • I double ended the deal, so I felt obligated to the buyer. The buyer was right, the property dropped in value. waiting for the bank to respond to the amendment and appraisal. We were ready to fund!!!!!!!!!

  • Well that sucks!! If that's what the buyer wants to do then you really have no choice but to send the appraisal to the lender and ask for a price reduction. Or depending on how the contract was written you could try to hold the buyers foot to the fire and see if that will get them to close atthe agreed price. Was the purchase subject to appraisal? Of course you can never force buyers to close but their deposit may be in jeopardy of they don't., The contract will have the answer.
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