Buyer's Name Affidavit bofa playing games

Now the bank is asking me to sign a Buyer's Name Affidavit

BEFORE ME, the undersigned Notary Public. on this day personally appeared ihe person who signed this Afíîdavil, and
who, after being duly sworn by me, did on his 0r her oath Slate the following:

They want me to sign me name three waysfirstname middle initial lastname

firstname middlename lastname

firstname lastname.

Is it safe to do this or should I just hire a lawyer at this point. I only have one name!

Bank of america if anyone else is amused by who discussing they treat people.

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  • Mike,

         This is not out the norm, especially if you have a common name. They could be requesting it for numerous different reasons, but this should not pose a threat to you.


  • very normal, just do it

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