We just got approval from both banks and the buyer backed out--after 3 months of waiting! I have put it back on the market at the approved price. Is it better to wait to tell the banks when I have a new offer or just tell them now? The seller is not in default so there is no worry of a foreclosure sale date.

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  • I would agree with is said about getting a new offer in as soon as possible. If you can duplicate the offer that was accepted it might give you an edge with the negotiator, but keep in mind in most cases the investor must review it again. You mentioned that the seller in not in default, that is great becomes it relieves you of another level of consideration. If you thought you would be in a foreclosure sale before the COE date, I would hold off telling them until after the delay. Evaluating what is best for your seller is what should guide you in your decision.

  • Tell them as soon as convenient for you.
  • Typically, you will have a time frame to close on this approval.  Let the lender and/or negotiator know the buyer walked and you're looking for a new buyer.  If you can't get one in time, hopefully the next offer will go through faster.
  • It depends on who the lenders are. With BofA you can now substitute a buyer but yo would need to have a new contract in hand before doing so. Other lenders as Suntrust are very easy to switch a buyer. Some lenders won't allow it at all.
  • It happens all the time.  Banks know it.  Just tell them.  You cannot actually substitute another offer, but now you know what they will accept. For short sales, they want one offer turned in at a time.  But, you can take a back up offer if you explain that it cannot be sent in unless the present offer does not close.  Many times after 3 months, the bank will re-evaluate to a lower listing price for future offers.

    The only time I may not tell them right away is if the buyer backs out just before you get final approval.  For two reasons, sometimes the buyer will come back on board when there is a final approval, and also, it is helpful to know what the bank will accept for future offers.

  • Equator has an option under "my properties" for a new offer.  But, the property has to still be available in the system.  BOA also has a "soft decline" (sent through the Equator message system after responding to my information regarding the buyer change) which I am dealing with on one where the buyer couldn't get financing (prior issue) because of the 15% condo assoc. due issue.  The agent found a new CASH buyer, for less money though, and am working through Equator.  It is supposed to be quicker than initiating a brand new short sale. I believe that it will depend on what the difference is in the offer you had and what you now have.  Also, it is my belief that if you think you can make it happen before the end of the month, they might jump through some hoops to help achieve that. 
  • It is not easy to get a Lender to allow a substitution.  B of A just enacted new guidelines last week to give us 48 hours to slip in a back up without shutting the file down entirely.  As inefficient as it may seem, when a Buyer walks, generally I have had to close and re-open with a new Buyer.  Re-list it, contact the Lender, find out if they allow substitutions, then get another buyer and pkg. together. 
  • At some point you are going to have to tell them, you should be able to get both of them to substitute a buyer but you are going to have to work fast
  • Two different lenders--GMAC and Specialized. It's back on the market now.

    So Jeff, you are saying don't tell lenders until I have a new buyer to substitute??

    Here's one hitch...I think it's very interesting...the lenders approved this short sale just BEFORE last Friday when the state of CA put into effect a new law that states the lender can not make a prom note a condition of the short sale. Both of these approvals have prom notes. It could benefit the seller to start over.

  • Shari, who is the lender and will they allow a substitution of a buyer.  GET IT BACK ON THE MARKET YESTERDAY and find another buyer ASAP.  Once you find another buyer, do your best to get the bank to switch the approval letter to teh new buyers name
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