
  • They are easy to deal with as a servicer. The FHA loans are done through Bogman, all other loans are handled through assistance options. Many of what I see here in maryland are CDA loans with tough MI behind them so ofter they are very hard on the borrowers and don't play around. In general in about 30 days you will be at a stage to negotiate terms and know what will be expected of the borrowers. 

    • Thanks Shawn... This is a Conventional transaction and I need a Senior Manager point of contact if you have one to post or email to me, I would appreciate it.  If Bogman was as great as you stated, I would not seek to escalate the file.

  • Any one have a Senior Manager for Bogman for Escalation or Customer Care Department?  Thanks, I appreciate if you do.  I see a Maryland and Michigan location from Google, Looking for the Head Manager that is in charge............

  • Yes... very difficult...

    • Bogman is great as long as you get sent to assistance options (subservicer) On FHA files they work them internally at bogman and it can be a struggle. 

      • If it's FHA and gets handled internally at Bogman, in your experience, why is it a struggle?

    • Why so difficult?  Did you close?

    • Keji,

      What was your experience with them?

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