Our seller was offered a trial mod at a whopping $50 less than his original payment.  He never signed the mod docs and instead wanted to pursue a short sale.  The mod dept won't release until he "defaults" - he just missed his first modified payment.  We called HUD and they said he couldn't opt out of the mod. Tried escalations at BofA and same response. . .any ideas or tricks?

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  • Not all short sales are equal. I would suggest first that your seller update his hardship letter as to why he will not do a loan mod.

    Most importantly you need to follow the investor guidelines for the short sale.

    • Updating the Hardship letter and sending in the supporting documentation can really help move everything along.


  • The borrower is required to go through the loan mod process prior to short sale .. one of the few/only way around it is if the borrower had to relocate for work..  at which point they will have to prove hire at the new location.

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