Im curious to know if anybody has had what happened to me. I had 6 active files at the end stage of getting approvals, and they were all deactivated out and declined on the same day. As crazy as that was, I was no longer able to talk with anybody because my authorization was supposable no longer in the system. Some of these files the bank countered and the buyer accepted the counter and they still got declined. Any suggestions would help, thanks.

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  • This happened to me with B of A last week.  Actually 3 weeks ago, they told me I was "the same name as the borrower in their Equator system."  After calling back every day, it appears this was a glitch on the Equator system, and once fixed, I was to continue to call back..basically every time I got "documents rejected" which was every single time I submitted my offer and offer supporting docs.  Finally, this week, B of A called me and told me to re-upload the RPA and I did.  The next day I still had to go into Equator and re-upload offer and supporting docs.  You have to stay on it every day because of this "upgrade" in the Equator system.  Have one with Chase also right now and they have moved me from 3 to my 4th negotiator in as many weeks.  The new gal in Texas, (HAFA) was fantastic and I am hopeful that when I call her next week, this file will have finally found a home..good luck!
  • The bad news is there is no way to reopen a closed file. The good news is that B of A does have a process for expediting files that were closed out improperly. Reinitiate the files in equator and call in and ask to have the rushed to a negotiator. It took me less than a week to cover 3 months worth of ground when this happened to us recently. Good luck!
  • Hi,  I have been on the phone all day with ntls, bac, the short sale department and equator on a similiar problem.  They just had software changes for the NTLS and this may be part of your problem. My problems were due to the home being within the 60 day period of the foreclosure date and with Fannie Mae nothing can be entered into the system as long as there is a pending Foreclosure date in anything less then 60 days.  I had to call everyone and his brother to get forclosure dates moved back so it could unlock everyones systems and get my negotiators reassigned.  

    Here are some numbers that might help, ask for supervisors.


    BofA Short Sale  1-866-880-1232

    HAFA Short Sales 1-877-824-0976 (UTLS)

    Equator 310-469-9167


    I finally wound up getting somewhere by having everyone put in emails and requests and then having the home owner call up the customer service and explain the problem because my authorization was gone  That number is   1-800-520-5019


    Good luck


  • OMG that is horrible.  I didn't have that happen but one of my files has had 4 different negotiators in three days.  Something is going on.
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