Have been under contract 75 days and are awaiting the file to be marked as complete so that it will move on.  Bank has had all docs for awhile but just asked for updated stmt from the sellers that they sent quickly.  Would like to get others experiences with how long it takes for the file to move on after request for updated stmt?  Wonder if we'll be at the same place another month from now.

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  • It's all based on your negotiator.  Don't believe them for a second..pound, pound, pound..nicely of course.  They request updates about every 60 days so 75 was too long.  Equator should have you moving along with a response within 14 working days.  Good luck.
  • Yes, we are using equator.  Bank also switched contact person on us about 10 days ago and file has been in review for awhile.  Sellers have moved almost everything out of the house and both sides are ready to get this done. 
  • Are you using equator? If so, the tasks should move things along much quicker than that.
  • I just had this happen to my offer too. I ended up hounding customer service & HAFA and had it escalated. It ended up thay it was stuck in the system. Equator kept saying it was assigned to a doc expert but it wasn't reaching anyone. Stay on them
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