I have a stand alone 2nd mtg. being worked through Equator.  Strange that they asked us to negotiate the 1st before the 2nd.  The 1st was then sold to another servicer, now it has been successfully negotiated by an attorney (after 8 1/2 months!)

The 2nd I'm doing through Equator but in a month and 1/2 I've gotten no response from negotiator (Equator messages, calls to voicemail, calls to SS Dept)  I've escalated, escalated past him to his manager (still no response) I've escalated to the "escalation team" supposed to be 48 hr. response, sent it to "upper management" supposed to be 48 hour response.  Just nothing!  I've never had one go like this.  I've been advised this 2nd is also due to be sold on 7/15 and am wondering if this is why they are not responding.  Buyer is weary (understandably) and on the brink of walking.

Any suggestions??

Thank you,

Lisa Bennett, Co-Broker/Owner

Windsor Realty Group, Inc.

Winter Garden, Fl. 34787

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  • Lisa - When you say "escalate", do you mean the Twitter team? That is where you need to escalate.

    • I haven't used the twitter team.  Please explain and I'll be happy to learn and use!  And thank you for the response.

      • Lisa - Go into the Bank of America lender group on this site. The instructions for Twitter are on the group!

  • Lisa,

          I'd keep escalating the file until I reach someone who will help. We have yet to run into such a high level of non responsiveness such as you are stating with Bank Of America as our escalation contacts over there usually come through for us.




    • Thank you Brett and Dirk for the responses, it helps!


  • Registered mail.

    Give dates of entry and opening of files, dates of calls and emails and the non-response, and dates of escalation including all names of all parties you have contacted and lack of response.

    Tell them the response dates you were quoted. Make sure that you send to the chairman of the board and the presidnet's offices.

    Ask to have a person assigned to this file from the chairman or president's office, that that person assigned remain with the file until its full completion and that they respond to you within 7 business days of delivery.

    Registered mail is appropriate....

    Also you might wish to copy your state and federal senators and congressmen with this same letter...add a cover letter that you have spent XXX hours and YY months attempting contact without response in accordance with the lenders internal policies. Specifically ask that an investigation be started and or any other action or help available through thier office be given.

    hope this helps.

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