BOA I need some help

Ok I have been under contract since July 9, 2014. It is now March 10, 2015. I have had to jump through numerous hoops for BOA the will call and say I must resign already signed docs by 5 o'clock that same day or the process will start over (might I mention they will tell me this at 4-4:30 it must be done by 5) About 3 weeks ago the negotiator said it was going to go to QA and if it passes I will get my approval letter. Then last Monday they said it has passed the QA step and all that was left was to "draw up" the approval lettee. Then 3 days later (last Wednesday) BOA said the approval letter will be drawn up the next day (Thursday March 5th) and issued to me Friday (March 6th) Then on That Thursday they emailed and said the approval letter was ready and it will be presented to me the following Morning (Friday March 6) at 9 am. well it is march 10th and Noone from BOA has sent anything and when the listing agent tries to reach them they do not respond, can anyone tell me if this is normal and if I am getting close. I happen to know that the listing agent is literally the best Shor sale team in the state so I know they know what they are doing, but I just want some answers. It has been over 9 months for a pre approved short sale

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  • A pre approved short sale is where an approval to participate was issued before the house was listed. BOA actually set the price of the house and said if a person offered full asking price then we could close in 45 days or less. ... that turned out to be a lie.

    The listing agent sent this to the escalation team Friday evening and it said allow 2 days to get a response... today is day 3 and the negotiator, their supervisor, nor someone from the escalation team will return emails or calls. They told me last Thursday that the approval letter was already done and would be emailed at 9 am the following morning and that's the last we heard from boa... I'm getting pretty fed up with them
    • Ok by borrower do you mean the person who borrowed from BOA (seller) because I am the buyer but I am NOT using BOA I am using a different bank. And since I am the buyer I was told that I was not allowed to contact BOA, only the listing agent, and the property owner were allowed to do that. So if I tweet them they will more than likely. Not give me any info because I a not an authorized person. This has been a very stressful ordeal
    • Hi Clint. you can escalate this through twitter.

      ***Need Help? Try TWITTER HELP****:



      For TWITTER Do not place LN# or borrower name in the message. Just a brief: 'Need help with a HAFA short sale" will suffice. Make sure to mention short sale. Also, each file should to be a separate tweet. If you have issues with 4 files then send 4 tweets. They will respond very quickly.

  • What is a pre approved short sale? Does that mean an approval to participate was issued and you met the criteria? If the file passed QA and if they are working up an approval letter, if that information is true, you should be receiving an approval letter shortly. I'd be opening up a case with the executive office or reaching out to an escalation contact to see what is going on if the bank is not following time frames they stated in writing.


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