
  • lol "Head in the Sand" Travis...

    Travis Davies said:

    Good Job,


    I have a investor/Realtor friend who just mails a simple 3x5 yellow card and gets a great response. Its tough since most sellers in distress do what i call the "Ostrich effect"

  • Good Job,


    I have a investor/Realtor friend who just mails a simple 3x5 yellow card and gets a great response. Its tough since most sellers in distress do what i call the "Ostrich effect"

  • Travis,


    I took action today.  I had something already created, I pulled up info on court&commercial record and hand delivered to 12 homes today.  Surprisingly on these, I believe 90% still lived there.  In the past I had targeted expired short sales listed with agents, but it seems those all had empty homes and was a waste to deliver on front door.  I used clear plastic door hangers and hand wrote their name on the two page doc.  I should have hand signed, will do that on next batch.  I'll let you know how it goes.

  • Door Hangers or Face to Face. Old school but it works. Get some Pre-NOD's or just NOD's and go to it. Its a little Mike Ferryish but like Jeff said almost every mailer, especially after the NOD is filed go right in the trash or stacked up in the kitchen.


    That being said I used to type up nice letters on quality paper and hand sign every one of them and i had owners calling me a months later, usually just before the trustees sale.

  • Mailers probably end up in the trash most of the time because most distressed homeowners tend to not read that type of mail because they get so much of it.  I think that online is a great way to find them.  Maybe hold a short sale seminar a few days a month too.
  • Jeff,


    Sounds good.  I have marketing going to real estate agents right now and have had some good success so far, several referred to us, also now have an attorney referring.  We are getting approx. 1.5 new short sales each week, but my goal is to bring that up to at least 2 per give you an idea of the volume I am looking for.  I have received referrals, just not enough for those goals.  My google adwords campaign is working great, but want to try other avenues as well.


    I'm going to try out looking up legal notices of claims against homeowners, as we still usually have 6-9 months before it actually goes to court, a judgement is granted, then Sheriff's sale, then send to homeowners in the mail.  I've not had much success with mailing pieces though so far...


    I have some printouts I am trying by having someone hang on doors of homes throughout a neighborhood, to see if I get any success with that.


    I'll also check out Harry Clay and see what he is doing as well.


    Anyone else have ideas on what they are doing or what is working great for them?



  • Hi Craig, I found that my best short sale leads come from referral sources.  Past customers who we have successfully closed their short sale.  Folks that need a short sale tend to know alot of others that do too.  Title agents, lenders, CPAs all know people who need help too.   We do zero marketing for short sales but have a great reputation for knowing how to get them done so people seek us. Other agents who dont want to touch them are also a good source of leads and referrals.  I believe that Harry Clay, a member on here, has a great door knocking campaign too,  check him out.
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