Best Short Sale Attraction Websites

Hi - I'm wondering if anyone has recommendations for a type of website platform that is good for generating prospects from the internet? We've looked at several types of platforms like shortsalemarketingsytem, epropertysites, marketleader, realivent, simplelistingsystem etc. and are wondering what may work for SS specialists trying to engage, inform and assist prospects in help with making a short sale decision (or not ;)..?

Seems like some just like to use a landing page or simple wordpress theme with related content, vs having downloads/ videos etc...any input much appreciated!

How about the Facebook Fan page to engage distressed property owners? Thanks from the West coast - M

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  • M, Check out the Short Sale Lead Machine website - featured at the top of this site...  It has a strong platform, excellent SEO set up for you specifically, it's very customizable, and can also get you short sale leads on Facebook.  You can blog on it, too.

    • Thanks for your input Wendy-- which of the three customization packages do you recommend? i assume you use this for your emeraldcoast site? I imagine your success stories help generate referrals? We're in California so no competition ..;) 

      • M, I just got my full site a couple of weeks ago. WHY? Because one of my competitors has it, and he is on page 1 of Google!  Check out the SEO discussion for the Short Sale Lead Machine sites. 

        There are two live demo webinars to discuss the sites coming up on Feb 21 and Feb 28. I'd say - check it out.

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