I had obtained an approval letter and one extention from the department of recovery, then a second extension was denied. They said a new department had been formed to deal with short sales that had a bankruptcy attached.
They also said that department had no 800 number, would not respond to customer service requests, fax or email and could only be communicated with through US mail.
Their long winded and somewhat rude reasoning (likely due to all the frustrated realtors calling) on this was not comprehensible to me as all my short sale clients thus far had bankruptcy’s involved.
Cit-Bank Recovery also advised to send a copy of the original approval letter that I'm requesting an extension to with the HUD. This was all sent 06/02/14 by certified letter. I have yet to hear from them.
Has anyone else encountered this new BR road block from Citi-Bank? If so, how do you deal with it? We were suppose to close Friday the 20th, but I can’t find out anything from Citi-Bank.
They are the second in this short sale and as mentioned, had already approved the settlement. All I needed was an extension which normally was not a problem until it got denied due to the bankruptcy involved and forwarded to this new department they said started May 1. And that is shut off from all normal communication.
Somebody please advise.
Thank you,
Was the BK filed before you originated the short sale?