I have been waiting 10 days for Bank of America  to respond to our counter to the counter via equator. I have emailed the negotiator but no replay.


I am worried they will close the file. Will B of A counter again or decline the file?


Any ideas?



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  • You need to remember on all B of A files to have the homeowner call in early on in the transaction to update their information, it can really hold things up if you forget and the customer service reps do not tell you that is what they are waiting on. I had a seller that had the task 32 days past due before I finally got it out of them.

    Terrie Leighton said:
    I spoke with B of A today and they need the seller to update a few things in the equator system and then the negotiator can proceed. It would have been nice to let me know but that is OK, I should have called sooner. Staying on top of these short sale listings is cricial! Thanks for all the suggestions and input.
  • I spoke with B of A today and they need the seller to update a few things in the equator system and then the negotiator can proceed. It would have been nice to let me know but that is OK, I should have called sooner. Staying on top of these short sale listings is cricial! Thanks for all the suggestions and input.
  • Thanks Wendy! I will call the negotiator to see where we are on this one.

    Wendy Rulnick said:
    Terrie - If your counter was price, or perhaps contribution amount, and significantly off what they want - yes, they might close the file. If it was just a matter of HUD calculations, prorations, etc, probably not. If the counter WAS of note, then before entering it might have been a good idea to have called the negotiator directly, so they understood where you were coming from. You might have had more intel than just hitting them cold with a major change, subject to cancellation. You should now email the negotiator, and telephone them directly, and also follow Kemp's advice. I'd do all three!
  • Kemp Hooper said:
    You have to call Cust Service and ask for file to be escalated to a manager. 866 880 1232 They will probably sell it to you as its your fault. Happened to me yesterday.

    Thanks Kemp. It can't hurt to call and take responsibility! =)
  • Terrie - If your counter was price, or perhaps contribution amount, and significantly off what they want - yes, they might close the file. If it was just a matter of HUD calculations, prorations, etc, probably not. If the counter WAS of note, then before entering it might have been a good idea to have called the negotiator directly, so they understood where you were coming from. You might have had more intel than just hitting them cold with a major change, subject to cancellation. You should now email the negotiator, and telephone them directly, and also follow Kemp's advice. I'd do all three!
  • You have to call Cust Service and ask for file to be escalated to a manager. 866 880 1232 They will probably sell it to you as its your fault. Happened to me yesterday.
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