I have three Bank of America FHA files that were all "awaiting management review" and ready for issuance of an approval letter that have mysteriously all been closed/declined/transferred and are now being restarted - yes RESTARTED - in Equator.

1 - Had the ATP since April of 2012.  Yes!  April 2012!!!!  Buyer intact the entire time.  HUD escalation in place - even HUD doesn't even care any more.  The BofA escalation contact personally declined the file with NO NOTICE on 8/8 because she was looking at the WRONG CONTRACT.  Then forced restart in Equator.  Six weeks later we are FINALLY back to "upload offer" stage. . . RIDICULOUS!

2 - Had the ATP and offer since March.  Offer at 126% of ATP value. HUD escalation in place and simply doesn't care any more.  A doc request with less than a 24 hour deadline was issued.  Buyer's Agent was out of town.  No extension granted.  File declined.  Must restart in Equator.

3 - Just today.  On August 8th from BofA "Just wanted to follow up with you and let you know that everything looks good on the file. Ill will do my final review of the file soon before it goes to management for their review. Once mangment approves of the file I will submit the file to QA for the final audit.".  This AM I got an accept/reject assignment in Equator for the file.  Inquired to my level two negotiator who sent the previous email.  His response "Good Morning Tracie, Due to my new role at the bank all files that were assigned to me were assigned to equator. You will need to work the file through Equator with the new associate who is processing the short sale.". . . So he gets a new job and we have to start ALL OVER AGAIN in Equator!

I'm literally to the point of rejecting BofA FHA listings.  Not worth the time or energy any more.  

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  • Received another decline on the BofA short sale we were working on for the past 5 months.  After negotiator said the file passed QA and was informed BofA was waiting on the MI co.  Called MI stated they were waiting for BofA to remove a claim. Weeks dragged with calls to MI, and escalatiion dept.  Long and short of it is a decline by Bank of Mellon NY due to foreclosure.  They bought the property bank at auction for 90k higher than appraised value and 80K more than the sellers financed 11 years ago.  Principle balance was 304,000 86k in fees and escrow, etc. 

    Bank of Mellon states they cannot accept the offer since they don't own it?  Appaised value, 300k, offer 315k and seller would bring 15 k to close. 


    Does anyone know how a way around this.  We have been getting the run around and lies upon lies from DTS.



  • Don't be surprised if BOA's files a claim with FHA and the Loan is no longer an FHA Loan....

  • Tracie,

          They should be able to get this submitted back off for approval shortly if the ATP and value are still valid or they will have to place a variance to HUD. BOA FHA short sales are moving smoother, but it always helps to have FHA escalation contacts in your corner.




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