Bank of America FHA SS Recommendation

I am working on  a FHA loan for Bank of America. The seller was going through a loan modification, which I find out she didn't properly complete. I was informed of this by the Account Manager, as well as her telling me because of the incomplete loan mod that she can't/won't give a Short Sale recommendation. I know with FHA they have the "cascade" that needs to happen before they will approve a Short Sale. Has anyone else had this situation? Will escalation make a difference? Thanks in advance for you input.

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  • Escalation  will not help. The seller needs to speak directly with the CRM on file. ph :800-669-6650, the CRM will recommend the file for the short sale. Once that is done, you can continue.

    • Thank Javier.With me the CRM has flat out refused to give recomendation, even if loan mod is completed and denied. She said re-instating and foreclosure are the only options going forward. I can have the seller call maybe see if it helps. I am thinking I will have the loan mod closed out and see if I can get recommendation from the CRM or her supervisors. Thanks for your response.

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