After over 70+ phone calls to get to the end I am still getting the run around after the short sale has been approved and all I need is my Formal Approval letter.  I will be working on my Memoirs of Bank of America/AMS and what you should know before you get started and watch out for!  I only blame one side and one side only!!! AMS Management!!! After working in a call center for two major Insurance carriers for 14 years and lead for two major accounts - Bank of America and Wells Fargo I can tell you AMS is a poor performer - now don't get me wrong the majority of the folks that answer are polite and how it should be, but they have absolutely NO Procedures and Protocol they practice.  When I was a senior rep for the above banks we had contractual performance guarantees which stated if we did not perform as a call center we were fined and let me say it was as large as 50k per our contract.  I just fined it ironic that they want health care to perform for their employees, but they are not making AMS accountable for their lack of action because if they started picking up the phone and made test calls they would understand what I am talking about.  AMS is not proactive and make information easily available to get the file moved. While your file is being reviewed they look at everything in a one step look and never the entire picture. So let's say for example - they give you a price to list and you secure a full price offer and no concessions, wow you say and it should be easy, ha!!! Count on 1 month for them to tell you we are looking into it, we are looking into it, 48-72 hours -(Groundhog Day over and over again) and now it finally goes through their system, so you think, oh we need to order another SSA (if not familiar is is their Short Sale Addendum and it is not the one that is part of the CAR forms). It is now another delay because who ever fixed the problem because "they" were $1200 dollars off their calculations never ordered the SSA. So you would think they would know this, well they do and didn't!!! Here we go again, 48-72 hours (Groundhog Day over and over again). We have to request the SSA through a print center and once it is printed sent to the borrower/seller and this takes 10 days, but once it shows up on my computer I can print and upload into Equator, so you think (Groundhog day 48-72 hours over and over again). Now keep in mind they have told me the file is now approved and the home is Pending Sale! All I want is my Formal Approval letter. Will I receive it? Stay tuned :)

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  • Finally received the BofA/AMS approval, but was thrown a BIG Curve Ball, 2nd not with BofA any longer, but we are so sorry we missed this and you will now need to figure out who the 2nd is with- You told me "all" was approved prior to listing the HAFA approved listing and also that MI had signed off!  Well we didn't catch this, but you will have to figure out who the 2nd is with because we do not know ( wrong info) I said a prayer for help and found out the file was assigned to CRS- Compass Resolution Services, LLC. Right away the  file was assigned to a negotiator after I explained we are Pending Sale - Thank you  to Erasmo Valenzuela my fantastic negotiator - great job because I had my 2nd lien approval within 48 hours, Miracles do happen!! Why can't AMS and all others be as efficient as CRS?

  • SAY NO!! The worst!! I would pull the file, market it, get a contract and either go traditional or if you have to do HAFA then submit to UTLS (LRC was handling it).

    I would really have a long talk with the homeowners on the downsides they can expect with going HAFA. With every BOA file I have a very long talk before submitting and let all parties know the potential scenarios including time frames that will play out.

  • Hear ye! Hear ye!  I agree with your assessment of AMS.  They are nice but that is it.  What a nightmare, our seller finally just pulled the plug on it after almost a year.
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