I have a B of A Coop SS that was approved and almost made it to closing....but USDA buyer hit a bump and needed extra time. B of A would only give a short extension. We needed about another week. We were hard declined but encouraged to resubmit to get the time needed to close this.

I tried to go through DTS to re-open the file, was advised to call B of A SS Dept, they conferenced me over to DTS. Thought we were on track until I got a call back yesterday from DTS telling me they'd been informed BofA is transferring the file to AMS.

It seems to me that if a COOP SS goes off track, they take that as an excuse to disqualify the seller from receiving the Relo payment. I had this happen with another Coop with BofA/REDC.

Any suggestions?

Any feedback on (or contact info for) AMS?



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  • I have the same issue. Due to their mistake of mixing up my file with another, they closed mine because the had information my buyer withdrew. This was not the case but I am forced now to go through the normal procedures of which now they cannot guarantee anything....really...call this number 704-386-5687 - advise the problem and maybe they can put it through the escalation process for you. They have for mine.

    • Thanks Christina. I see this number is in Charlotte, NC. Is this for AMS, or for B of A? And what department/or office am I addressing there please?

      • You can always get escalation assistance thru twitter with B of A. 

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