I posted some about this the other day, but we put an offer in on a condo back in July.  Didn't start hearing from the bank (citi) til Oct.   In Nov, they approved our offer, then of course, our lender does (another appraisal) , as 3 months had long since gone by.   It UNDER appr 7,000.    So we are back to waiting, it is so frustrating, as we had our long awaiting "yes" answer, and now.....who knows when we will hear.   My question is, can I call Citi?  I would not ask for any personal info on the seller side, but just if I can know where the file is, or receive e-mail updates or something?   Maybe I am way off base, or maybe its SS stress, but we waited so long, then everything was good, and only to have that low appr.   I would like some communication, if it possible.  Has anyone tried this?   THanks in advance.



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  • The listing agent negotiating the short sale should be updating your agent as to their progress, etc.  If your agent is not getting timely updates, she needs to be calling the listing agent and ask for weekly updates.  Your agent should be in communication with the listing agent and try to find out what is going on.  Most listing agents of short sales are very proactive in communicating with the Buyer's agent, as they do not want to lose their Buyer when they finally get the Approval Letter.

  • You would need a written authorization signed by the borrowers to be able to speak to the lender. But the reality is I doubt the seller will want you speaking to their lender.

  • The bank will not/can not talk to you.  The best you can do is to talk to whoever is negotiating the short sale  on behalf of the seller.  You want specifics as to where you are, what obstacles there are on this particular file, and what's next.


    Best of luck.

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