I've read endless threads on Short Sale Superstars regarding sellers opting out of auction.com regardless of who the servicer is ( Nationstar, Ocwen, B of A). I have a buyer currently bidding on a property. Has anyone EVER successfully completed a short sale auction with auction.com. Has anyone EVER gotten their deposits returned if the short sale approval letter from the servicer was never procured? Despite clicking through countless threads here, I was unable to find answers to my questions.

Ron Margolis, CDPE, R(B)

Hawaii Life Real Estate Brokers

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  • I've closed one.

  • I've closed on a couple of auction.com deals. Both were very easy. As long as i know in advance that the property will be required to go on auction.com then I'm fine with them.

  • I've seen short sales close successful with Auction.com. Typically if Auction.com procures a buyer a short sale approval should be issued shortly after if no additional items are needed. Typically all items should be in to the lender by this phase though.

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