
  • Same thing happened last week as well.  GMAC sold to FCI, but I was contacted by Home Guardian (left msg).  I will find out more tomorrow.  Feel free to email me and I'll let you know who to contact.

    • I already spoke to Home Gaurdian and have someone working on the file.  My primary is owned by Fannie Mae so we both know the max payout is $6000.  Balance on Home Guardian loan is only $50,000 and they wanted $10,000. (20%)  They also wanted to cut commission, attorney fees, and started asking for ridiculous things.  I pretty much explained they can cut all they want, but the max they would see is $6000 and that's if  get Fannie to approve it so them trying to cut fees wouldn't help their bottom line. 

      I'll post back when I hear back.  the negotiator for them was VERY quick to get back to me so that's a plus.  They seem like they do want to work with us, but I really don't know at this point as it's to early to tell.

  • Thanks Bryant.  I did get some info for them, but am still in limbo.  I think they are a small outfit and that has it's advantages.  I'm not sure but I think their hands are tied too.  We are a bit screwed on this and this property has an auction next month.

  • Hmmmmm....never heard of them. If you do get info open a group for them so the members have it in the future. Or you can just send it to me and I'll take care of it.

    Google gave me nothing

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