Has anyone had any luck with a direct mail or door knock campaign using a short sale mailing list?


What is your conversion on the list?  What service are you using?


Thanks for your insight.



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  • D'Adrea,


    Would you care to email or share your comprehensive door-knocking campaign?  I would love to take a look and see if I can integrate it into something here in the Indianapolis, IN marketplace.


    Thanks so much!


    D'Adrea Davie said:

    We have been able to pull up NODs in our Metrolist MLS service through Realist that has worked well for us. We have put together a comprehensive door-knocking campaign.
  • we hand wrote, printed, and yellow letters.. tried many ways so far, but still not so effective. not sure what went wrong. I think it could be the leads we got were NO good.
  • Same here. we sent mails and post cards to pre-nod lists , got no response. The first time we did some mailing to after NOD list and got 3 calls. so not sure what went wrong. I am thinking maybe we got the bad leads..because we did ajust mailing content.

    Jim McCormack said:
    I thought about the same thing.  I purchased a list (never used them all) and send over 250 postcards to 60 and 90 day delinquent accounts.  I never got a single call.  It could have been to a bad list, bad postcard or just that people in default don't read their mail.  Given how mortgage companies seem not to be able to reach their delinquent loan customers, I am guessing that mailing is a losing strategy.
  • would anyone care to share the letter they are sending to homeowners?  Or dropping off at their house?  or step by step process they are following with followup to these homeowners?


    or their exact process?  What is the dialog you use on the door knocking visits?  I'm so glad I found these posts.  I have been using Court and Commercial Record, it's a local thing to Indianapolis I believe, but it comes out 3 times a week and lists all NOD for the Indianapolis area.     What I have then been doing is leaving a large envlope with information on what I can do to short sale their home(maybe I should instead also target helping them do a loan mod?  something to think about).  1 week later I send them the same information in the mail.  1 week after that I do another drive by with same information.  4th week another mailing....I have only done this for 4 weeks and so far one call that said they were doing a loan mod and another called(then cancelled) for a short sale meeting.    Did the ones doing this find it might take 4-8-12 weeks before you start getting results?  People get the info, but are still in denial, then 4-8-12 weeks later realize they need to do something and call you?


    I had decided this past weekend to start door knocking these people right out of the gate, sounds like maybe this is going to be the best return.  What dialog do you utilize when you door knock?


    Thanks so much!


  • Stacey - 


    I write the letter myself and make it specific to the situation (NOD, NTS, Delinquent, Bank Name, etc.)  Handwrite the address. Use a #10 Security Envelope and blue ink.  Sign every letter in blue ink.  Use Generic USPS stamps. Make it look personalized.  Do not put your name or company name on the envelope - only your return address to get the returned mail to remove from your list.  Include a business card.


    Good luck !

    Stacey Hart said:

    Just wondering where you get your letter templet and if you hand write or use mailing labels? I used foreclosure filter they had a letter that printed all the information for you but I think they went out of business I had great success with that. I have tried post cards with no success at all. I really want to get a good program started so any information would be great!

    Thom Colby Newport Beach CA said:


    Just about 100% of my business for the past 6 years has been Short Sales (by choice).  I actively farm those properties known to be heading towards default.  I buy very specific lists (lender, zip code, price point, etc.) from a local Title Company(in CA, Title cannot give this info for free).  I then send via USPS, a personal letter along with the specific information I have along with some additional useful information.  I get several calls each week and work those leads.



  • Just wondering where you get your letter templet and if you hand write or use mailing labels? I used foreclosure filter they had a letter that printed all the information for you but I think they went out of business I had great success with that. I have tried post cards with no success at all. I really want to get a good program started so any information would be great!

    Thom Colby Newport Beach CA said:


    Just about 100% of my business for the past 6 years has been Short Sales (by choice).  I actively farm those properties known to be heading towards default.  I buy very specific lists (lender, zip code, price point, etc.) from a local Title Company(in CA, Title cannot give this info for free).  I then send via USPS, a personal letter along with the specific information I have along with some additional useful information.  I get several calls each week and work those leads.



  • I thought about the same thing.  I purchased a list (never used them all) and send over 250 postcards to 60 and 90 day delinquent accounts.  I never got a single call.  It could have been to a bad list, bad postcard or just that people in default don't read their mail.  Given how mortgage companies seem not to be able to reach their delinquent loan customers, I am guessing that mailing is a losing strategy.
  • no luck so far
  • Thom,

    Can I ask what additional information it is that you use for your mailings? I just started direct mail with a pre-NOD list and any advice would be greatly appreciated!




    Thom Colby said:


    Just about 100% of my business for the past 6 years has been Short Sales (by choice).  I actively farm those properties known to be heading towards default.  I buy very specific lists (lender, zip code, price point, etc.) from a local Title Company(in CA, Title cannot give this info for free).  I then send via USPS, a personal letter along with the specific information I have along with some additional useful information.  I get several calls each week and work those leads.



  • We have been able to pull up NODs in our Metrolist MLS service through Realist that has worked well for us. We have put together a comprehensive door-knocking campaign.
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