Curious if any agents here are working with IAS for BPO assignments.  If yes, have you noticed it taking longer and longer for payment?   Not looking good, looks like IAS may be in trouble.  They owe me a few thousand for BPOs and for REO reimbursements.

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  • I finally got a partial payment for some REO reimbursement but they still owe me some money.  I gave up trying, it was costing me more to collect.

    • You are lucky..I have been trying to collect money from IAS since January 2011. I current have two listing with them, but have about $4,200 past due in bpo work. Any ideas? I have sent emails, calls, left messages and nothing. I dont think I will ever see the money.


      • I am also owed money by IAS.  I have called several times with no resolution in sight.  In October I was told they were way backlogged in accounting and she promised that I would get paid but could not tell me when.  I called again in December and was told that this would be excalated to a supervisor and so far no one has gotten back to me.  I'll try again this week. 


        I am also cutting them off.  I have jumped through hoops to get their BPO's doen thoroughly and promptly, but am done working for free.


        Marcy Spieker

        Seattle, WA

        • Marcy,

          I got most of mine paid, they still owe me under $500 and I have given up trying.  IAS can have their BPOs and their pathetic listings.  they used to be awesome to work with but I suspect they are going under and taking the money with them

          • I got over 3000 paid in increments but they still owe me 1410 from Bpos back in June and July.  I agree with you they are definitely going under or something because who will work for them and not get paid.  I am sure some other agents took our places though and by the time they realize what's going on another hungry agent will be there to take their place too.  They could probably keep going on for quite a while this way, unfortunately...

  • I am (was) working with IAS as well, until I saw this post...have a couple thousand dollars in unpaid BPO work for them and have had this sickening feeling in my gut for more than a month now. Some of my BPOs are from April and when I email to get a status on payment it is the same message that Vanessa has talked about. The latest email I sent requesting specifics on when I will be paid has gone unanswered. Is there any recourse, anything that can be done? Unfortunately, I am sure that there are many other agents desperate to break into REO work that will be taken advantage of, as I have been. Thank you for this post, I have been working in good faith with the assumption that I will be paid and have finally decided to stop working for free. I don't know how to put into words how this realization has crushed me...I thought that after 14 years of attempting to get into this sector of the real estate world I was finally getting somewhere, really doing something. WOW!
    • I have had the same problem, no payments since May and thousands of dollars due.  I finally realized my folly and cut them off in September until I receive payment.  Several times I have been promised my payment would be to me within a couple of weeks.  The latest promise was by October 15th.  i can see in their system they haven't even initiated the payment so I know I will not be getting it then.  This is so dissapointing, I have been working with them for years with no issues.  Now that Lehman Brothers Exec took over in the beginning of May and problem after problem!  I really need my money, that is a lot of time and gas to be out.  now I am thankful they have not assigned me any listings this year, I would hate to be out the reimbursements too!!

  • Thomas, I used to get listings and sold them fast but haven't received one since the beginning of the year. 

    Vanessa, They are holding checks of mine that were cut in May.   A few thousand dollars would be nice about right now but I am not counting on it.

  • Has anyone received payment recently? They're holding a check for me that's dated July 14th.
  • I noticed the same this with IAS, It took me months to get paid after lot's of emails. I never got any listings. Huge wast of time.
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