I am attempting to take on a short sale with SunTrust.  The client has both the first and second with them.  Any advise you can give me would be greatly appreciated.  I've heard so many horror stories but have not dealt with them "Yet".  So I am cringing... lol.

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  • Be sure to use the attached docs. They can be tough, but if you escalate then everything goes pretty smoothly. I'm in FL so I've worked with and closed many files with them. I think their Fannie backed files are terrible, so hopefully it won't be.

    Suntrust Financial Statement.pdf

    Suntrust Notarized Affidavits.pdf

    • You guys are AWESOME!!  Thank you.  We will see what happens. 

    • I have not had any problems with SunTrust what so ever.

  • Is it a Fannie Backed loan?  Suntrust sucks.  The last one I did with them was fannie backed thankfully so I submitted my stuff, waited my 20 days and then escalated to the Fannie Mae help desk.  In that 20 days I called sent in more paperwork, got lost, etc....finally when Fannie stepped in they assigned a negotiator, I got a direct email address and things went more smoothly.  They have an interim person that assists with paperwork.  I forget what they call that person, but it's a processor who never knows what is going on with the file.  they dont make notes in their system.  It's unreal. 

    I have some contacts if you get stuck... PM me.

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