Ok Superstars,


HAFA Program

First BOA, I'm communicating with AMS Services

Second Chase

Full Asking Price offer in Equator


Back in Jan,2011 BOA sent us a letter saying "we offer you to participate in the HAFA program" and we have a short sale agreement in place specifying all the typical parameters of the HAFA program, like "arms length" transcation, 120 days marketing period, $3000 seller relocation cost, etc, which is signed by both sides.

AMS is saying that in order for them to approve they need Chase's approval letter first.


Chase doesn't like the wording in that letter and is telling me, that in order for them to approve, they need a standard, government issued form for HAFA approval which specifically states "you are approved for the HAFA program with BOA"


I've never heard of such form and AMS is telling me that the above is the only letter they provide.


Please Advise... Anyone...Jeff


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