USAA Short-Sale

Help! I have done several short-sales, representing both buyers and sellers. This one has me stumped.  My buyer is in ‘second place’ on this short-sale.  There are two loans. The first has agreed to the terms submitted by the first buyer.  The second, USAA, is demanding more money. The seller does not have it and the buyer (evidently) will not or cannot come up with the extra.  My buyer has agreed, in writing, to pay USAA the difference if their offer is accepted.  We cannot get the sellers-let alone USAA-to respond.  My buyer is very frustrated, as am I. I would think that the seller would be anxious to sign and not risk a foreclosure.  The buyer is willing to give USAA what it asked for.  What is the problem?Obviously, I do not have contact with USAA and my buyer no longer trusts what the listing agent is relaying to us. We simply cannot get any answers.  What can I do? Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

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  • Linda, If your buyer's contract is in back-up position, you really cannot do anything unless the first contract is terminated. There should only be one "contract" submitted to the short sale lenders at this time.

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