Who can I call?  The negotiator repeatedly escalates to his supervisor to no avail.  Property with SS package and offer sent in.  Can't even get them to close to Loan mod and open to SS.  How will I ever get the offer reviewed.  They seem powerless to move.  Suggestions?  thx!!!

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  • Hi Linda

    You need to find out who the investor is. If it is Fannie, you can escalate through homepath, FHA you can escalate through FHA call center  877-622-8525.  I am doing an FHA US Bank escalation as we speak and I am making progress. I don't have Freddie escalation info. I have closed 2 US Bank Short sales resently, you should have been assigned a single person point of contact ( Relationship Manager ). Just keep calling them and be persistent. With US Bank, you just need to be very patient and wait for the file to be assigned to the negotiator for final approval. Once the negotiator contacts you, I have found them very easy to communicate with. It just takes forever to get a file assigned to a negotiator. .  I also make it very clear to any buyer, that this will take at least 60-90 days to close. If they are not willing to wait that long, then I tell them to go buy another house.


    • How I can find who is the investor?

    • This is not Fannie or Freddie.  US Bank said it is strickly theirs.  The relationship manager has done all he can do.  It is those he is "escalating" to who do not act.  I will continue tomorrow on my calls there for updates.  After giving some time for the SS VP to prompt action, I believe I have no recourse but to file a complaint with FDIC.  US Bank took action to turn file into foreclosure department - why can't they act on the offer provided for the SS???  I would feel awful if I patiently wait and they go to foreclosure. 

  • Linda, I certainly share your feelings about USBank...

    My partner and I have had a file  under review with US Bank since October..We had a buyer walk and a replacement offer was immediately submitted in December and as of April 22nd the file was supposedly sent to U/Writing for final review..

    I got lucky in that I've been in contact with a floor manager- Thomas Flynn..without his help, this file would still be stuck 'in review' by a processor. So far I've gotten no information although Tom is 'pushing this file' there is little progress being made and I've got 2 weeks before our Contingency deadline is final.

    I've known from the start that USB was going to be a challenge..no escalation procedures etc..If we dont have the final decision from U/Wg within the next 2 weeks buyers will walk.

    For anyone even considering a SS with USBank..you might be well-served to pass it by..This has been the worst experience in the past 6 years of performing short sales.

    Seth Russell

    • Hi Seth


      Did you get resolution of the file stuck in final approval? How long it took. I also have which I was informed about going into final review almost a month ago and have no answer yet.

  • I haven't worked with US Bank in the 1st postition. There are some numbers and emails toward the top of the following page I have linked. Maybe they can assist you further than your current contact.



    I wish you good luck in dealing with them.

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