Tax Lien Removal

Does anyone have any advice about getting an IRS tax lien removed faster?  We are they buyer on a short sale and the seller has a federal tax lien. Apparently she has sent all the paperwork in and we are now just waiting for an answer. I don't know if any Southern California agents have experience with this...I am hoping for an IRS contact or phone number something we can call to check on the status other than just waiting around. I have called the local office which gave me a number which no one answers after being on hold forever......If we just wait around this will never happen!!!

Additional info:

We're the buyer in a short sale and are in escrow to close. Unfortunately, we are still waiting for a Fed Tax Lien to be dscharged from the title. There was a State tax lien also, but that took only 2 1/2 weeks to get a response and approval from the State. The sellers claims that all the required documents ( Fed lien) were sent about 5 weeks ago. We're getting conflicting answers on what might occur next. One theory is that if the paperwork was properly filled out then the next action will be an approval or non-approval from the IRS. The other theory is that after submitting proper/complete paperwork you can expect a lot of hoops to jump through and lots of necessary footwork to complete discharge. Should we sit back patiently or should we be aggressive with the seller for details?

The seller has been very slow to complete tasks and appears to be delaying completion of sale. During inspection, we noticed that nothing was packed or boxed and we suspect that seller would like to stay as long as possible. Because of this, we need as much knowledge about the Fed Lien tax dischage as possible so that we can hold seller accountable. If seller has submitted proper/completed documents to IRS (5 weeks ago) what questions should we be asking the seller so that we know that this process is moving in the right direction and can be completed ASAP? If seller hasnt talked to anyone after submitting paperwork 5 weeks ago, is that normal? Who should the seller be trying to contact if no contact has been made yet? -

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  • Yes it takes 30-45 days. I would ask if the Form 14135 has been submitted!  Read More Here

    Also here is the IRS publication for the topic IRS FORM 783

    Good Luck

  • I doubt you can check on the seller's personal tax status. They should already have an IRS agent assigned, and the process does not normally take that long.

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