Running out of options with Chase

Hello everyone,

Here is my situation.

Almost 3 years of trying to complete a short sale with Chase (in Michigan - I am the owner). Hardship letter approved due to being forced to a lower paid position with my employer. Multiple offers denied due to either too low of a bid or one time it was due to Chase calling it an "arm's length agreement". Already tried the died in lieu but was denied that because Chase said the home has to be worth at least $50,000...which it is not. The home was brand new when we bought it in the early 2000's but has since had drain tile issues and moisture problems. The house has been vacant and mold has begun to grow on the drywall. A contractor even quoted the damage as over $20,000 (to make it safe and back up to code). We submitted that quote to Chase and they still said the bids were not high enough.

Questions I have:

1) Should I try a different realtor who may be more aggressive (and better) at short sales? The one I currently have is frequently frustrated and says things like "If they ask for one more document again...that I already sent them....I could care less if you sell your home". Honestly - that has been said to me a few times. Is there something special I have to do to switch?

2) Has there always been a limit on died in lieu?

3) Any other ideas?

I appreciate anyone who may be able to help. Feel free to ask me any questions you might have.

Thank you,


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