Doing a short sale,

Downloaded package, sent everything in.

I called them and they told me that I needed a different package because the loan is a Freddie Mac.

They said that they would send me the package in 24-48 hours.

I didn't receive it.

Since then, I have called 4 more time, each time getting another person, each time they say the exact same thing. I have wasted 9 days!!

I've been told it's been ordered and escalated.

Is there a number for a supervisor?

Thanks for any advice!

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  • BTW Ocwen will ask you for the same paperwork over an over.  Just resend it.  The left hand doenst know what the right is doing there.

  • Janet,

        Do you know exactly what documents they are requesting at this point in time? Also, since this is Freddie Mac they are probably requesting the Freddie Mac 710 Form ( Homeowner Borrower Assistance Form ). We send in Ocwen's short sale package along with our company's package and never have any push back. Potentially their ombudsman office could assist you or someone in their west palm beach Florida office.


    • Thanks Brett,

      I'll try them in the morning.


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